Search Results
Darlene Lim and Her Work as a Geobiologist at the NASA Ames Research Center
Dr. Darlene Lim On Her Work as a Geobiologist at the NASA Ames Research Center
Deep-Space Human Exploration | Dr. Darlene Lim | Talks at Google
Darlene Lim - Looking For Life On Mars
Ask An Astrobiologist: Submersibles in Space with Dr. Darlene Lim
Dr. Darlene Lim, Ocean Worlds seminar co-hosted with MIT Human Systems Lab, July 27 2020
Dr. Darlene Lim discusses the Pavilion Lake Research Project
Dr. Darlene Lim, Ocean Worlds seminar co hosted with MIT Human Systems Lab, July 27 2020
Dr. Darlene Lim - The Search for Life on Mars - 20th Mars Society Convention
Darlene Lim & Geoffrey Landis Q&A - 20th Annual International Mars Society Convention
Science at the Extreme - Presentations & Panel Discussion (Full)
SV Forum Tech Women: Women In Space